Thy Kingdom Come, Part 30 Consent of the Governed

1 year ago

"People are not free ultimately because they voluntarily submit to their own servitude." Etienne de La Boetie

It is important to remember this key point: Everything the government does to you is by your consent. You either explicitly gave them consent, or by your silence, they assumed your consent. Jason W. Hoyt

The results of the last election confirm the fact that the overall moral/spiritual condition of our country is continuing to decline and that many Americans are quite willing to continue their support of the very politicians who are systematically taking away our freedom. But God's people have more power than they realize.

We hope you can be with us this weekend for Pastor Ray's message, "The Consent of the Governed".


Join us for a new message each week with Ray McCollum, recorded live from Celebration Church in Nashville, USA.

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