MR. NON-PC - The Majority Still Won't Admit How Bad Things Have Gotten..

1 year ago

Awwww mannnnnn.....we're at the tail end of 2022 and I still don't see the majority admitting how bad things have gotten. In fact the majority is still in complete denial about how rotten and corrupt the world has become.

From never-ending wars, government corruption and more recently the CovidCult and Easy Bake Oven Vaccine scam...things have gotten REALLY BAD!!!

But if you're "NON-PC" like yours get it, I know, but's getting frustrating being surrounded by the "PC-Peepz" who gobble up their "PC-POOP" on a daily basis!

Look at how the media distracts everyone from the real issues and instead wants to sidetrack people with lame stories that are just fluff and not relevant to anything that matters!

The only way to solve all these problems is to first exposing them...only then can we actually get anywhere.

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