An example of how socialism harms the poor in society

1 year ago

This is why socialism harms the poor. Before I start I am not blaming this lady or having a go at her. I blame socialism and those on the left. She states she has been single since 17 and I think she is now 30. Presumably she has never been married and she says she has five children. And this shows why socialism harms the poor. Many women are in her position who have got children and in many cases for benefits and a free house rather than get educated and a decent job. This seems to be a trap that most cannot get out of. Often the cycle repeats with there children and so on. While it is true that some middle class girls may get pregnant (as in no farther to help) often these girls have parents who will help also with money, even buying the girl a house and so on in order she can carry on her education and get a decent job. But girls from poor families tend to have parents who themselves have no money to help there children and will or cannot help in other ways. Some of the girls who get pregnant for benefits care little for there children and let them go out doing drugs or crime’s. Indeed if I was female to be honest I probably too would have got pregnant so I too could get a house and benefits. It is why I do not blame these women as I know I too would do the same. But then you have the smug self righteous who love to see these girls as a charity to make themselves feel great. They love the power they have over these women. Handing out bits of food. Telling there friends on Twitter what a wonderful person they are and how these women depend upon them. But do not be fooled. We know the last thing they want is for these women to do well. An example is when they do such as onlyfans and earn over £100k. You then see the gate these left wing people have towards the poor. How dare they earn that they say. How dare they be independent. How dare they not need us. How dare they earn more than us and dare to buy nicer houses than us. Socialism harms the poor. And one suspects as I have said the children of these poor ladies will probably do the same thing and ignore school education and seek to find ways to get benefits.

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