Government killing natives again . Fungal illness misdiagnosed as covid will result in death

1 year ago

fungal respiratory illness misdiagnosed as covid with the use of corticosteroids will end in death

as always thw government is killing ppl

fungal pathogens testing in Canada is non existent

assumption of covid19 is often occuring

Ppl are posting and stealing my ideas and thoughts for views , subscribers and money on YouTube

unbelievable. i fight for the people and have nothing am homeless

and as my homeless acquaintance said " you will all know now how we were treated and exiled and destroyed ."

unvaxxed who fought against this evil lost everything

glad to see ppl grabbing my views by posting a better clip as i was homeless and that was the best i could post with no resources

no good deed goes unpunished. This video did not exist on YouTube bc it highlights how evil governments are which was my point

nothing changes only the need to capitalize on a opportunity for money

fungal respiratory illness mimic covid19

if misdiagnosed and corticosteroids are given death will occur 100%

Infectious diseases are simple in principle and involve a host, a microorganism, and a route of infection. Invasive fungal infections (IFIs), however, are rarely simple, with numerous complicating factors that include: (1) complex immunodeficiencies caused by underlying hematological malignancy, the use of intensive chemotherapy (including immunosuppressive agents and corticosteroids)

this is how my dogs were killed living in rental with mold

Doctors misdiagnosed
vets misdiagnosed

this corrupt government took everything and ruined my life killed my dogs all for greed and power as always

nothing changes

thanks to the ppl who steal my ideas and posts remake them better bc i am doing what i can homeless to bring awareness to things to help

while others are just getting views subscribers to collect cash

1000 subscribers
4000 hr needed to collect money

i get nothing but ppl stealing my ideas are cashing in

awsome what a great society

respiratory fungal infections can deceminate into the intestines bowels which will cause inflammation infections misdiagnosed as IBS diverticulitis

then the infections move into liver ans kidneys cauing renal failure while going into the blood and cauing CNS infections brain infection

death occurs soon after

as before same thing happens now

Government kills for power and profit

trying to help and save everyone had cost me everything

what a great society and then ppl swipe my ideas post it years later to get the views to get money

not even thunderheart could save anyone . this society is rotten to the core for greed and fame

thanks to the evil government
evil doctors
and evil vets for taking everything

i make 0 off my website
0 from YouTube
need 1000 subscribers
4000 watched hours to make a dollar

i just try to help and as always no good deed goes unpunished

note my dogs died of invasive Aspergillus

misdiagnosed over 19 times

i was misdiagnosed over 30 times

gf misdiagnosed to many times to count

even with pathogen air sample from mold rental at 36000 spores meter cubed
36x higher then max limit health canada
Doctors and vets dismissed it

they said its only a allergen nothing else

was in covid camp for 2 weeks refused all the malpractice and misdiagnosis and corticosteroids ect or i would be dead also

According to Canadian Dimension Magazine, some 40,000 deaths are caused annually due to errors in the Canadian health care delivery system, in other words, due to medical malpractice.

Canada has no problem killing you with malpractice and negligence

Nobody will ever know

no justice will be heard

History Repeats Itself again

mass grave will be found in a hundred years

maybe a sorry will be said

this is insane . shameful

after visiting the mowhawk chapel in brant i realized the truth

its not what is written in history as that is a lie

ppl betray others for power status and wealth

its happening again and i cannot stop it

i am trying but corrupt runs to deep and deception and lies are being used once again

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