The Human Coalition's Chelsey Youman

2 years ago

In this episode of Worth Your Time Podcast with Ericka Andersen, we heard form Chelsey Youman, Texas State Director and National Legislative Advisor for the Human Coalition.

Chelsey has been on the frontlines of the abortion fight and THC represents thousands of women who have chosen life for their babies. Here, we discuss how pro lifers are coming together to make even more provisions and legisltion to help vulnerable women in this precarious time.

Chelsey debunks myths about abortion facilities and pro lifers in general. She tells us about some of the awesome work on the table right now to help empower women to choose life!

My favorite stat is that 75% of women surveyed (who are considering abortion say they would prefer to parent, rather than have an abortion, if life circumstances were different. What's awesome is that prolife orgs like the Human Coalition are ensuring these women have what they need to change those circumstances for the better!

Learn more:
The Human Coalitiion:

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