😴 15 Sleep Stories / Glitch Stories / Reddit Stories - Weekly Compendium [December 12th, 2022]

1 year ago

We can all use a good night's sleep, especially over the past couple of years. Allow me to lull you off into dreamland with my dulcet tones & these calm sleep stories, Glitch Stories & Reddit stories.

Ever had a strange event permeate into your life? Something you can't explain, that makes no logical sense? These are known as glitch in the matrix events, or glitch stories in short. Or, perhaps, something paranormal? (They tend to blend together in my experience).

Hi, I'm Kinetic Symphony. I surf around the web looking for True Glitch Stories, including Stories of the Paranormal Persuasion. Then I narrate these stories for your enjoyment. Sit back, relax & get ready for a ride.

00:00 - Case File 861 "The Mysterious Case of a Missing Passenger"
02:52 - Creepy File 69 "Unwanted Visitors"
07:23 - Case File 862 "Driving a Loop that Doesn’t Exist"
08:54 - Case File 863 "The Notes that Transcend Spacetime"
10:20 - Case File 864 "My Wealth is Linked to the Universe"
13:13 - Bonus File "Written by MarshallDyl26, The Working Man Ghost"
14:24 - Case File 865 "Riding the wave of Time"
16:23 - Case File 866 "No Smoking"
18:46 - Case File 867 "Audio & Visuals Desynchronized in Real Life"
20:40 - Case File 868 "Classic Quantum Immortality "
22:09 - Bonus File "To Tyler, The Best Friend In the Multiverse"
27:40 - Case File 869 "The Mysterious Echo of Time"
29:25 - Case File 870 "I was Recognized from another World"
30:21 - Case File 871 "My Dad From Another Universe"
31:46 - Case File 872 "The Mystery of the Thin Straw"
33:17 - Case Notes 861 “The Mysterious Case of a Missing Passenger”
34:38 - Case Notes 69 “Unwanted Visitors”
35:35 - Case Notes 862 “Driving a Loop that Doesn’t Exist”
36:18 - Case Notes 863 “The Notes that Transcend Spacetime”
37:07 - Case Notes 864 “My Wealth is Linked to the Universe”
38:36 - Case Notes “Written by MarshallDyl26, The Working Man Ghost”
39:47 - Case Notes 865 “Riding the wave of Time”
41:04 - Case Notes 866 “No Smoking”
42:37 - Case Notes 867 “Audio & Visuals Desynchronized in Real Life”
43:25 - Case Notes 868 “Classic Quantum Immortality ”
44:20 - Case Notes “To Tyler, The Best Friend In the Multiverse”
46:12 - Case Notes 869 “The Mysterious Echo of Time”
47:51 - Case Notes 870 “I was Recognized from another World”
48:41 - Case Notes 871 “My Dad From Another Universe”
50:44 - Case Notes 872 “The Mystery of the Thin Straw”

Emoji from:


MYUU StillStand: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NKnxGSiqZ8c
MYUU Edge of Life: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EC8hO-mErlw
MYUU Hold On: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2O-QZLdhrrA
MYUU Unspoken: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PvIvXw6gSYA
MYUU Silent Turmoil: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TzIqTL_Yksc
MYUU Fading: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nWLSW-1jJvs
MYUU Exhale: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8vAXmHNY2aU

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