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Episode #56

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  • Extremely disappointing that even in Florida they couldn't see through the lies. Our court system is entirely broken 😢 💔 Jen your so right our freedom is gone our privacy is gone our rights our gone and to get them back well that will remain to be seen I guess

  • This verdict is a travesty of Justice! The old Soviet Chief of the KGB would say show me the man And I will show you the crime! This is our system of corrupt justice in America today!

  • What was he guilty of? All counts ?

  • Wondering did you grow up with this guy and know him well to speak of him like this? Or do you not really know him.

  • Thank you for sharing this important update on Jeremy's trial. I was there everyday and have gotten to know Jeremy and his case over the past year and half, speaking with him and his girlfriend on an almost daily basis. This trial was way too short to cover the convoluted web the DOJ and FBI created, much like Trump's Russia collusion witch hunt. No wonder the jury got it all wrong. It's been a taxing, exhausting experience for those of us who have been closely involved to see how twisted our justice system has become. Jeremy Brown is the modern day version of the Salem witch trials. It's painful to watch. So, thank you Jen, for being one of the few who are speaking out and actually doing something about the injustices you're seeing in our country today.

  • If the template was a “confidential” document that evidence would presented in a different court and not a jury of his peers.

  • This is horrible news for not just Jeremy but for us all a Americans. Our government is out actively incriminating and planting evidence. This is bad and sad. He needs to continue the fight for us All and citizens need to support Jeremybrowndefence.com

  • Tylene is about as intimidating as Sally Fields.

  • Shocked

  • It's been a sad revelation that the courts are corrupt. Probate court should be called "reprobate" court. There is a form of human trafficking going on there. From pulling kids out of good homes and putting them in foster care without due process (speedy hearing & impartial jury); often they don't even know what they did. The Baker Act brings in $2.1 billion/year to hospitals; it is for good, but is used for "convenience" according to one retired sheriff officer; it is also used when charges of "disturbing the peace" or disorderly conduct" would be thrown out by a reasonable judge and a hearing would be in order; it is used to put well-to-do elderly people under exploitive guardianship. And who knows how much other corruption lurks in those halls of injustice.

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