1906 Flaxseed Lemonade

1 year ago

1906 Flaxseed Lemonade.
20th Century Cook Book
Maude C. Cooke
2 tbs sugar
3 tbs whole flaxseed
1 pint hot water
Juice of 1 lemon
Flaxseed lemonade for coughs, colds and hoarseness is one of the old-fashioned woman's recipes. To make it, put two tablespoonfuls of sugar, and .three tablespobnfuls of whole flaxseed into a pint of hot water. Steep an hour, strain, add the juice of one lemon, and set on ice until cold. If preferred, it may be drunk hot.
Did we drink it? Yes
Would I make it again? Yes
Notes: I had a cold when I made this and it did seem to soothe the cough. I only had ground flaxseed so I used that instead.

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