No More Crumbs! Abundance Reading 8th June 2022

2 years ago

📕Need More Abundance in your Life? Read Helen's Book 📕
Dream Bigger - How the Law of Attraction really works

💛Abundance Reading - The message in this reading is timeless, so if this video shows up for you at a later date, know that the wisdom was meant to reach you 💛

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0:00 Intro
2:18 How trauma affects abundance
Archetype Cards Message
4:46 The Gambler
6:56 The Liberator
7:12 The Knight
8:59 The Angel
10:18 Animal Spirit Oracle Cards Message
10:41 The Canary Spirit
11:46 The Koi Fish Spirit
14:07 The Bobcat Spirit
Messenger Oracle Cards Message
17:01 Let Go of the Old
19:18 The Golden Age

📽Video Description: Many of us don't have the level of abundance or financial prosperity that we would like to have. Today's reading was inspired by a download I received this morning about abundance, and about how many of us live in lack in one way or another, because we don't truly know how to ask for what we want. We play it small, and essentially ask for crumbs.
The good news is that we can learn to recognise that pattern and change our lives.

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