2 years ago

Looks like the rubes have woken up
All of them, everyone, every last one
Every last one of them has woken up
Time for pt barnham to be moving on
Before they start shouting shenanigans and beat him to a pulp, before they notice
All the dancers he left buried in the ground
Looks like all the rubes have woken up
All of them everyone every last one
That is how barnam will come out the winner
Snake oil is plummeting
Nobody wants to dunk the clown
Nobody is payin to see the freak in the cage
no more tomorrow, and not yesterday
no more tomorrow, and not yesterday
no more tomorrow, and not yesterday
There's just one problem
Before i go
One more thing i must resolve
I mixed in draino with the alcohol
To save money i mixed in draino with the alcohol
To save money i mixed in draino with the alcohol

But we're going to have to do something about the of all bodies, bodies everywhere,
Buried under the tent,
bodies everywhere,
Buried under the tent
Every color and creed and age
All Buried under the tent

But there's one little matter still left to resolve
The mayor of the town has been sneaking round the lounge
And nobody ever sneaks around pts lounge
So the mayor of the town is buried in the foundation
Fool thought he could take what was mine tonight
But im smarter than that
And i know how they die
Another one buried under pts sun
Another one buried under pts sun
Another one buried under pts sun
Another one buried under pts sun
Another one buried under pts sun
Another one buried under pts sun
Another one buried under pts sun
Another one buried under pts sun
Another one buried under pts sun

But we're going to have to do something about the of all bodies, bodies everywhere,
Buried under the tent,
bodies everywhere,
Buried under the tent
Every color and creed and age
All Buried under the tent

THE THIRD TESTAMENT the book of blood by دجّالعِيسَى Isidor Burakh

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