Clean the Wax Out of Your Ears From Time to Time?

1 year ago

…because your faculty of hearing is vital to audio production…

Here’s some solid foundational information from audiologist/audio engineer Dr. Derek: Ear Wax Removal – How to Clean Your Ears (Best Practices) –

FYI, he says usually people don’t need to do any earwax cleaning because their ears will shed/eject the wax on their own.

As always, you should ask your doctor (or mother-in-law, etc.) to decide what is best for you.

Even though I’ve seen so many people saying that Q-tips are bad, I VERY GENTLY use Q-tips approximately once per week and I DON’T GO DEEP AT ALL. I’m extremely conscious and careful. And sometimes I forget for 2 months.

Do you have any earwax cleaning methods or habits?

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