12-12-22 Lies and Tears

1 year ago

A baby ripped from his mother’s arms due to China flu policy. #TwitterFiles confuse the propaganda minister in America and medical freedom still under attack.

John Davidson weighs into The Big Midterm Lesson: Defensive ‘Victories’ On The Right Aren’t Going To Save The Country in his excellent article. John Daniel Davidson is a senior editor at The Federalist. His writing has appeared in the Wall Street Journal, the Claremont Review of Books, The New York Post, and elsewhere. Follow him on Twitter, @johnddavidson

Jay Ellis, i founder and CEO of Election Fun Board Games.
Through political parody and hilarious “no-holds barred” jabs, Election 2020, You Decide, also called “The Game”, breaks through left-leaning cancel culture to entertain alongside partners with shared conservative values. Using safe QR codes and patented technology, players are split into two sides: Republicans vs. Democrats. Ships in time for Christmas


For the past twenty-two years, French filmmaker Pierre Rehov has traveled the conflict zones of the Middle East and produced more than twenty documentaries. Ehov’s new film, “Lies and Tears,” overturns the knee-jerk conclusion that Israel targeted and murdered the journalist in Jenin in May—an unsubstantiated claim that was reported by news organizations worldwide minutes after her death before any evidence was even available Pierre joins us from Israel to discuss

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