10 Ways To Repurpose 5 Gallon Buckets (Part 1) - Modern Homesteading Podcast

2 years ago


Most homesteaders I know are big on repurposing things and why wouldn’t they be. Repurposing saves money and reduces waste so whenever you can find another purpose for something laying around not getting used and might get thrown away then it’s a good idea.

One such item that seems to be common on a homestead is 5-gallon buckets. We use them to carry feed and water, we use them to carry tools from place to place or perhaps as storage bins for things that pile up in our garages or barns, I even seem to use them for a step or a stool occasionally if I need to reach something or sit down to work on something.

By default, just because of what they are, they have a lot of uses on the homestead. However, we may tend to end up with more than we need for those normal everyday purposes. So what are some other ways we can use 5-gallon buckets and make the most of this resource?

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