How Fast Can A Crocodile Run?

2 years ago

Ever wonder if you can outrun a Crocodile incase you come across one?
Well, Here I explain how fast can a Crocodile run as well as How fast can a Crocodile swim in water !

How you found this video on How Fast Can A Crocodile Run useful and got a rough idea on how fast do crocodiles run !
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Timestamp -

0:00 Crocodile speed on land
0:37 Crocodile acceleration
0:56 Crocodile speed in water


Ever wonder if you can outrun a crocodile

Well, here's the answer

Due to crocodiles being bulky, They are rather stiff and sluggish while moving on land.

A large adult crocodile can reach a top speed of 15km or 10 miles an hour which most humans can quite easily outrun.

If it's a smaller crocodile, they can be slightly faster, but by not much difference.

Although Crocodiles cannot run long distance, they can have bursts of sprint for about 10 to 20 metres and then they give up.

however the scary part is not their speed rather their acceleration, they can accelerate really quick, thundering from 0 to 15 km/h in no time.

Which means if they are close to you, there won't be much time to react before they get you.

Now, in the water, it’s a totally different story, crocodiles can swim faster than any amphibious creature alive.

In the water, they can reach impressive speed of upto 30 kmph which is 18 miles an hour.

Not only are they fast in water, they are as well extraordinary ambush predators that have the ability of launching a surprise attack that almost never lets their victims know what hit them.

Even in water, their speed of acceleration is simply remarkable.. crocodiles can explode and cover around 12 meters in a quarter of a second, long enough to capture prey standing within one body length.

With that being said, it's best to keep your safe distance at all time.

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Music used -

Lost Memories by Ghostrifter Official |
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Creative Commons CC BY-SA 3.0

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