UN's IPCC tells cities what "difficult choices" to make - UK Column News - 12th December 2022

1 year ago

Sources: https://www.ukcolumn.org/video/uk-column-news-12th-december-2022
- The Summary for Urban Policymakers of the IPCC Sixth Assessment report series was launched at COP 27
SUP has already written three reports (consolidated here) on policy for cities, penned by IPCC members working as individual “volunteers”
- SUP Volume I: What the latest physical science of climate change means for cities—takes anthropogenic climate change as a given
Mark Anderson commentary: Very difficult to determine the accuracy of such predictions because their causation model of climate change is so narrowly gauged
- Clip: SUP fear porn—“Cities are becoming sites of human distress … difficult choices have to be made … no-one left behind”

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