The new world of funny money: All is changed, changed utterly - UK Column News - 12th December 2022

1 year ago

- Pursuant to M2 (money supply) chart shown last Monday (09:00 here)
New chart courtesy of viewer—plotting the degree of historical inflation by commercial banks versus inflation by central banks: All the money supply growth has been central bank-generated since Covid (source: St Louis Fed)
David Scott analysis: This might not just be paving the way for digital currencies; it could be the harbinger of something new that we do not yet fully grasp
- Interest rates—Daily Telegraph: Four-way split on rates looms at Bank of England as strikes stoke downturn
David Scott summary: Nobody knows how to play it from here since the economy went down to zero interest
- Guardian: Average asking price of UK homes down by 2.1% in a month, says Rightmove
Mortgage Solutions: Bank rate to fall ‘further and faster’ than expected in 2024—Capital Economics
David Scott commentary: The yarn spun continues to be “We’ll have sorted it all out within a year”—the only uncertainty as to the interest pate pivot is the date
- Meme: Father reading The National Debt and What You’ll Owe to his horrified infant
Conservative Way Forward: A Charter for Tax Cuts (Julian Jessop, June 2022)—We are already paying too much on debt interest
Brian Gerrish commentary: And still no-one knows who controls the money supply; work still to be done
- Latest Doctors for Covid Ethics symposium: up imminently on the home page
One talk from it—Philipp Kruse: Building the Legal Case in Switzerland (against drug regulator Swissmedic:
Brian Gerrish commentary: Intent to harm is now abundantly clear in presentations like Kruse’s: no safety, no efficacy, bad manufacturing, malignant policy worldwide
- Scottish former abused schoolgirls' Fornethy Conference: St Luke’s, Bain Street, Glasgow; Sunday 22 January 2023
Possible UK Column event to be held in Scotland on Tuesday 24 January with Brian Gerrish
- Education Not Indoctrination UK Column seminar on Thursday 15 December: seven excellent speakers to be followed via and
- Vanessa Beeley’s segment from Friday’s UK Column News Extra on sanctions against Syria is now on the home page

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