12 Dec 22, Knight Moves: Encore: Our Lady of Guadalupe

1 year ago

Today's Topics:

1) Greg and Mark recount the first apparition of Mary to Saint Juan Diego on December 9, 1531. She appeared to him as "one clothed in the sun." She desires that he go to the Bishop, Juan de Zumarraga, to ask that he build a chapel in honor of her Son, Jesus Christ, "so that she might show the infinite majesty of God to all the children of the Americas,"

2) The story continues with Juan Diego following Our Lady's request to appeal to the Bishop. After much effort, he meets the Bishop, who respectfully listens to his story. However, Juan Diego is sent away. Our Lady appears to Juan Diego a second time and tells him to ask Bishop Zumarraga again. The Bishop asks that Juan receive a sign from the Lady. Our Lady provides Juan Diego with a sign, miraculous roses, to deliver to the Bishop,

3) The miraculous sign was not the roses, it was an image of Our Lady of Guadalupe that appeared on Juan Diego's tilma as he presented the roses to Bishop Zumarraga. Greg and Mark detail the intricate secrets contained within the image

4) Continuing to discuss the symbolism of the image they recount how the sash indicates that she is with child. Therefore, Our Lady of Guadalupe is held as the Patroness of the Unborn. The Knights of Columbus program, "the Silver Rose," demonstrates both their devotion to Our Lady of Guadalupe and as well as their dedication to the sanctity of the unborn. Details of the symbolism found within the tilma's image can be found on the Knights of Columbus website at:

Theme: "Salve Regina" performed by Floriani. All rights reserved. Used with permission. For more information please visit Floriani.org

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