July 21, 2018 🇺🇸 JESUS SAYS... Pray for the Lost, pray for Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama and the Others!

2 years ago

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Jesus says… Pray for the Lost, pray for Hillary Clinton & Barack Obama

July 21, 2018 . Words from Jesus to Sister Clare

Clare began… Do we truly love the Lord? Do we truly live in His Heart? This message is certainly a test to those of us who claim to live in His Heart. Lord, please give us the grace to embrace Your Heart for these… Amen.

As I began my communion service, and got to the Gospel reading, I began to feel the Lord’s heart. It took me aback. The first two readings were about the Lord exposing our enemies… the Red Sea opening and the crushing of the wicked. The annihilation of the wicked. But the Gospel reading was the woman caught in adultery written in John 8:1-11

And this Scripture caught my eye and I wanted to share it with you. I’ve just been feeling it beating in my heart. It’s from Ezekiel 33:11… Say to them… ‘As surely as I live, declares the Lord GOD, I take no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but rather that the wicked should turn from their ways and live. Turn! Turn from your evil ways! For why should you die, O house of Israel?’

Then Jesus began to speak… “Because you are My Bride, I do not want you to see evildoers as the world sees them. Instead, I want you to see how they came from the Father and were given into the hands of men void of reasoning. Men who see only their own way as the best way.”

“Do you know these are trained before infancy, in the womb? And even before, in preparation for their missions by their highly organized societies? It is no mistake that Obama takes his place in History. It is not by chance. Rather, much is planned beforehand in preparation for the incarnation — those being chosen by demon entities to fulfill a role in history.”

“Many of these roles are cast before the woman conceives and set into motion afterwards. Not only that, but many are chosen. Yet in process of time, one emerges as the most qualified. Then the fullness of the plan swings into operation as is the case with Obama, whose father, Malcolm X, was black and charismatic, one of the main qualifications.”

“And so you, My Bride, must not look at the sin but the sinner in the state he was in before being groomed to fulfill this role. You must look at Hillary in the very same way. They began as pure creations from My Father’s heart. Then the evil conceived was trained into them. Responding to this training, iniquity was conceived and brought through the years to its completion.”

“Infused with greed, pride and ambition, taught that they alone had wisdom and the masses were incapable of rising to that level of intelligence, it was easy for them to reason that the ends justify the means. From that stronghold of lies, iniquity flowed like a river. Affirmation accompanied them at every level of their development to see to it that they were cast in the concrete of Pride and self-opinion.”

“Only those with extraordinary integrity of soul escape the vice grips of this preparation to rule the world to the liking of a handful of people — who they, themselves, were likewise brought into the world.”

“So, what am I saying? I look at the bedrock of the soul, the soul before corruption into corrupt parents and rulers. I look at what they could have been if disciplined early in life to be like Me. I look at the misfortunes and turning points in their lives where they sincerely called into question the rightness of the plan laid before them. I look at how they struggled in different crossroads of their lives. And I at least give them credit for the struggle, even if they did fail, out of weakness, to pursue the right path and abandon the evil path.”

“Let Me put it to you this way. Many of them do not know what they are doing is evil. They have been taught that the means justifies the end results, and that it is good to reason this way. Not evil.”

“When they see the innocent dying because of their plan, such as tsunamis, volcanoes and other events that are manipulated with Tesla technology, they see it as collateral damage necessary to bring peace to the world. They see peace as unattainable by man’s agency unless it is totally engineered by them. And so, they must come to the conclusion that there will be death for the ignorant masses as a result of their actions. And they see it also as good, that the Earth be cleared of huge sectors of humanity, which they are ignorant of understanding the plan of life that I had for them.”

“It takes a massive act of conversion to reveal to them how they have been programmed and deceived. Like all youngsters, they worked hard for their reward and were not taught to question, but to execute commands from above and do it more efficiently than their peers.”

(Clare) And after the Lord said that, I just had a vision of Hillary. She was bright eyed and bushy-tailed. Young – like in her 20’s. She was just coming out of a test with a joyful, hopeful expression, tinged with just a little apprehension. She was so eager to please, so eager to score high. She said… ‘Did I make it? Did I make the grade?’ And what was she asking about? A real-time test where the ethic of ‘the ends justify the means’, and many later died as a result of her decision.

(Jesus) “You see this is the way they are groomed, Clare. And so, you could say they don’t know their right from their left. Just the way the Ninevite culture brought up their children of whom the Lord said, “And should not I pity Nineveh, that great city, in which there are more than 120,000 persons who do not know their right hand from their left.”

“How does a just and merciful God handle such ignorance? They cannot be left to run free and continue working for Satan — they must be contained. And in that process brought to the realization of their sin. This is what I am asking of you Heartdwellers. If you truly dwell in My heart, you know My heart for these sinners is mercy, reform, repentance.”

“I do not wish for them to die in sin. I wish for them to repent and receive Me as their Lord, and I will do the rest.”

“So, I am asking of you My chosen ones, pray for them. Pray for conviction. Pray for conversion. Pray for utter brokenness and destitution, the kind of brokenness that cracks the foundations of sin their life was built upon from a small child onward. Pray for that. Pray for that and you will indeed please Me.”

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