Conspiracy Theories ✅ List

2 years ago

The satanic global elite are currently engaging in multiple projects to eradicate the sun.

BIll Gates funded project SCoPEx is one of those under the guise of "sustainability".

Another one is this WEF funded project to literally place an artificial light into the sky and play God.

Currently, there are 57 underground bases and bunkers around the United States that are in use for various purposes.
There are 439 bunkers in the entire world. ALL of these bunkers and bases are controlled and maintained by the Illuminati. The largest underground bunker is in Sao Paulo, Brazil.
Some people that have stayed in these bunkers:
Leon Trotsky: After Stalin defeated Trotsky and secured power in the Soviet Union following Lenin’s death, Trotsky was moved to an underground bunker just inside Switzerland.

Abraham Lincoln: Lincoln was NOT murdered by John Wilkes Booth. Lincoln was placed in the office of presidency as a pawn. The Illuminati knew that if he was elected then the South would secede. The Civil War made the North very, very rich

Saddam Hussein: Hussein was in power in Iraq merely to raise justification for invasion by the United States and other nations. Many of you are already familiar with what I have said about the plans to entirely take over the Middle East and to secure the oil that is currently untapped.

You all know about the HAARP machine conspiracy. It is real. I can assure you. The machine is housed entirely in a bunker that is underwater in the Pacific Ocean. This machine was developed back in the 1980’s, and was first used in the late nineties. This machine has capability of creating any natural disaster that the Illuminati wish to create
Another thing that is housed in these bunkers are drugs.
Multiple bunkers are also equipped to serve as crematories.
Yet more of these bunkers contain robots that are designed and ready to infiltrate the workplace in the case of a labor shortage.

Alex Jones is not who he says he is. For years he has been working to uncover the secrets of the Illuminati and the New World Order, but yet he is a member of the former, and will be in power in the latter. Jones has been placed in the world of conspiracy theories to feed false information, to throw trackers off the trail.

The moon landing in 1969 was real, but there was a moon landing seven years earlier that was the first real landing. In truth, the Russians were the first ones to land on the moon; however, they did not publicize the mission nor the results
While on the moon, the American astronauts began the first construction of nuclear missile sites on the moon.
These nuclear missile sites have been added onto over the years by way of subsequent moon missions and work by remote control robots. The purpose of these missile sites is the ability to launch nuclear missiles without the risk of tracing the missiles back to a particular country.

Scientists working for the Illuminati have found a way that they can “shut” off the sun. A weapon has been created that shoot a beam of high density radiation right into the heart of a planet or star. This beam of radiation penetrates through the planet creating a very large cylinder in the exact middle of it.

In North America:
Warren Buffett is most likely the head of all Illuminati operations. Followed by Ben Bernanke, followed by Lloyd Blankfein who is CEO of Goldman Sachs.

Nicolas Sarkozy is the main guy. He controls the majority of the operations in Europe and Africa.

The Middle East is controlled largely by Benjamin Netanyahu which should not come as much of a surprise. Netanyahu does not have as much control as you would think however. As I have stated before, Israel is the grand puppet state of the Illuminati.

I Was in the Illuminati I’m Going to Tell You Everything — "Shocking Expose”

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