My love letter to the Church

2 years ago

I suppose many of you will not find my epistle loving in the sense that you may have hoped it would be. I want to speak with you all about returning to a primitive and Biblical form of worship free of organized religion. But before I do we need some context. From Mark 2:22 NAS: “And no one puts new wine into old wineskins; otherwise the wine will burst the skins, and the wine is lost and the skins as well; but one puts new wine into fresh wineskins.” We have a clear pattern for how the New Testament church met, was ministered to, functioned, gathered, and worshipped during the first century laid down in the Scriptures. It astounds me how many believers who appear to be very zealous in the practice of their beliefs choose to ignore what the Scriptures clearly state.
Let us look at how no one operates without the mark of beast of Big Government attached to Big Organized religion today. Pay close attention to the fact that no one buys or sells in the name of their religious organization without the mark of the, you guessed it, beast.

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