YOU NEED THIS! The Best Controller for N64 on Switch!

2 years ago

One of the coolest features about the Nintendo switch online expansion pack is the ability to play Nintendo 64 games on modern hardware. They look great, they sound great, and I think they play great too. The problem? Using a switch controller to play N64 games is not always the most optimized. Nintendo did come out with their own N64 controller design specifically for the switch online service, but it's nearly impossible to get, it sells for over $100 from scalpers, and I just don't think the performance is that great. So what are you to do? Enter The Retro fighters brawler 64 BT Edition.

Sharing its design with the brawler 64 we've come to know and love since 2017, weird to think it's that old now, this version of the brawler 64 has a number of interesting features specifically for the switch online. First and foremost, it includes Bluetooth technology so you don't need to use an external dongle. It also comes with firmware in it optimized specifically for N64 games. That means the C stick buttons operate exactly as they should.

This is our first version that we backed through Kickstarter, we have all three colors heading to us for our upcoming review. Make sure you hit the subscribe button so that way you are kept informed when we have that review live.

Nintendo, Nintendo Switch, Nintendo switch online, Nintendo switch online expansion pack, retrofighters, Retro fighters brawler, brawler 64, brawler 64 controller, brawler 64 switch online, brawler 64 Bluetooth, Nintendo switch OLED, switch OLED, third-party switch controllers, best switch controllers, use brawler 64 on Nintendo switch, does the brawler 64 work with switch online

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