Basics Lesson 32: Promises of God

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Tomorrow we will be having church! It's been a series of flurries and now rain. Oh boy. Lots of white stuff. In justification, positionally we are as WHITE as snow. "Though your sins are as scarlet, They will be as white as snow..." Isa 1:18

In sanctification, experientially, when we confess we are WHITER than snow "Wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow." Ps 51:7.

Note the difference; you are white as snow because you are justified, but when you confess and are being sanctified you are whiter than snow. Very interesting because snow is very white. It is hard to imagine anything whiter. Ultimately, we will walk with Him in white (Rev 3:4).

See the attached lesson on Promises of God. These are great passages to memorize and use for various situations that we face daily in the Christian Way of Life. They give us strength to run the race and finish the course He has laid before us.



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