Nov 1, 2015 ❤️ Jesus says... Seek Me!... Perseverance and Faithfulness is, what I require of My Brides

1 year ago

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Jesus says… Seek Me!...
Perseverance & Faithfulness is, what I require of My Brides

November 1, 2015 – Words from Jesus to Sister Clare

Jesus began… “I’m not so far away from you as you have imagined. Your mind was just so cluttered. Now that you’ve moved some of the clutter away, you can hear Me much better.

“Let that be a lesson to all Heart Dwellers. Clutter drowns out My voice. It’s not that I don’t want to talk with you, it’s that you can’t hear Me because of the din of the world circulating endlessly in your mind. You are also waging war against unseen enemies of sloth and fatigue. But press in... I am faithful.

“Faithfulness... Even when it’s a long dry desert walk with not even a drink in sight. This is what I require of My Bride. That she be steadfast, enduring and persistent. This is what I require and will reward with fresh graces from Heaven. Dear Ones, I do not wish to make it difficult for you, but your mettle must be purified to carry the graces I wish to give you.”

“Your will to attain to the high calling must be strong and persevering in the midst of all kinds of obstacles. This is how your faith is revealed.

“Just as the wise farmer plants so as to challenge the roots to go deeper, so do I delight in seeing you persevere when the living waters are not readily available on the surface. Deeper and deeper I call you, My Love. Will you not make that effort to seek Me out and vigilantly await My coming?”

(Clare) Lord, what is there to do that is more important? Nothing, to me, nothing is more important than finding You.

(Jesus) “That’s what I like to hear and that heart attitude I will bless. This attribute of perseverance is of key importance and spills over on every aspect of your lives. Once you have mastered it in one sphere, it is easier to master it in another and another until you’ve made it a way of life.

“So many quit way before the finish line.”

(Clare) Oh Lord, lately I’ve been feeling that way.

(Jesus) “It’s nothing more than laziness, Clare. I know you don’t want to hear it, but it is. You know Me well enough that when you can’t find Me immediately, and you search for Me diligently, you will find Me or shall I say, I will find you. This is a way in which you honor Me. You are not willing to give up, I’m just too important to you.

“And for you all, My Brides, this attribute is absolutely necessary if you want to cultivate a relationship with Me. Those who won’t take 'no' for an answer, I simply cannot turn down. You will see in your relationship with Me, that from time to time I will seemingly disappear and you won’t hear or see Me. But that is only to cultivate grace and virtue in you. It is not a punishment, it is an exercise.

“Other times I will come to you readily, because your heart is broken or hurting. Yes, then My Beloved, I come and wrap My arms around you and warm the chill of sorrow that has taken hold of your heart. I know that at those times you need Me more, so I come to you more readily.

“Even now I am standing by with the graces you are all seeking to be empowered with. But I like to see you rise up and meet Me half way, that I may shower greater and greater abundance on you. Virtue begets virtue.

“Just remember, My Precious Ones, if at first you don’t succeed, try again and again. Eventually I will come and reward your efforts and your faith shall shine brighter and brighter for it.

“I bless you now with the grace of perseverance. Take hold of it and apply it to every area of your life. But especially in Our relationship.”

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