How To Produce More Semen #shorts

2 years ago

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How to produce more semen
There’s one low-tech, no-cost thing you can try to increase your semen volume. If you’ve been masturbating or having sex frequently, that can reduce the amount of your ejaculate. If you hold off for a few days, chances are your volume of semen will increase. One study found that for the first four days after ejaculation, semen volume increases by about 12% per day that ejaculation does not occur (Carlsen, 2004).

Online or in vitamin stores, you’ll find numerous supplements that claim to boost various aspects of masculinity and male sexual health, from penis size to testosterone level to semen production.

Some supplements that have been touted as having semen-boosting properties include lecithin, zinc, vitamin D3, ashwagandha, maca, fenugreek, amino acids, and D-aspartic acid. You may have read anecdotal online testimonials about them individually or combined into brand-name supplements with “snazzy” names like Semenex.

However: “There is no FDA-approved pill that can increase your ejaculate volume,” says Seth Cohen, MD, MPH, a urologist with NYU Langone Health in New York City. “If a patient came to me and said they wanted to take a supplement to try it, I would say, go ahead. But if they said, ‘Show me a robust, randomized, placebo-controlled trial that shows ashwagandha increases semen volume,’ I would say it doesn’t exist.”

What is seminal fluid?
What is that stuff that comes out of the penis with ejaculation, anyway? Many men think semen and sperm are interchangeable terms, but very little of semen is actually made up of sperm. Semen is a fairly elaborate co-production that incorporates the testicles, the prostate, the seminal vesicles, and the bulbourethral glands (Lawrentschuk, 2016):

The seminal vesicles—two saclike glands behind the bladder—secrete about 50% to 65% of the fluid that becomes semen.
The prostate gland produces prostatic fluid, which nourishes and transports sperm; it produces about 20% to 30% of semen volume.
Just 5% is sperm, which is produced in the testicles.
Finally, the bulbourethral glands (also known as the Cowper’s glands)—pea-sized glands near the base of the penis—secrete a lubricating fluid that tops things off.

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