Sports journalist, vaxx true believer Grant Wahl (48) dies suddenly while covering World Cup match

1 year ago

UPDATE DEC 14., 2022

See: Update: Soccer journalist Grant Wahl suddenly died due to (vaxx induced?) ruptured aortic aneurysm


On Friday December 9th, 2022, American soccer journalist Grant Wahl was covering the match between Argentina and The Netherlands at the Soccer World Cup in Qatar. During the overtime, he suddenly fell backwards in his chair and died despite receiving immediate medical help.

Journalist Rafael Cores says:

"I’m in shock. I was sitting next to him tonight. He was working on his story on his laptop. It was about four minutes before the end of the extra time. He was laughing at a joke we saw on Twitter only minutes earlier. I can’t believe it. My deepest condolences to Grant Wahl’s family."

Grant, who was 48 years old, wrote 4 days before his death:

"My body finally broke down on me. Three weeks of little sleep, high stress and lots of work can do that to you. What had been a cold over the last 10 days turned into something more severe on the night of the USA-Netherlands game, and I could feel my upper chest take on a new level of pressure and discomfort. I didn’t have Covid (I test regularly here), but I went into the medical clinic at the main media center today, and they said I probably have bronchitis. They gave me a course of antibiotics and some heavy-duty cough syrup, and I’m already feeling a bit better just a few hours later. But still: No bueno."

His social media posts make it abundantly clear that he is extremely pro-COVID vaxx. Furthermore, he is married to epidemiologist Céline Gounder (@celinegounder; who is part of Joe Biden's COVID19 Task force, so it is clear that she is also extremely pro-vaxx. The header of her Twitter profile shows an image with the title: "The vaccination gym - Where immune systems train".

By the way, Gounder also testified to Congres in April of 2021 that 'misinformation superspreaders', including Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., should be deplatformed.

Grant shared on social media that he got his first, second and third dose of the COVID jab on April 7th, April 28th, and December 13th of 2021 respectively.

Considering his stance on the jabs, it's almost certain that he got the bivalent booster before the World Cup. This must have been his fourth if not his fifth shot.

Both his sudden death and his chest pressure and discomfort, are consistent with the pattern of vaxx adverse effects that are apparent worldwide. The chest pressure could be caused blood clots in the heart and/or lung, and/or by heart inflammation/amyloidosis. His sudden death may be due to blood clots, heart arrhythmia and/or rupture of a weakened blood vessel (aneurysm).

Grant was a strong LGBTQ advocate, possibly because his brother Eric is openly gay. At this World Cup, Grant had an incident where he was wearing a T-shirt with the rainbow colors on it, and the authorities said he would not be allowed into the stadium unless he changed his shirt. He refused and eventually still got into the stadium.

Eric posted a video (apparently now removed) on Instagram in which he states that he believes that Grant's death may be due to deliberate poisoning because of his LGBTQ advocacy.

Eric's reasoning seems to be that (1) Grant suddenly became very sick and died after having no prior health issues, and (2) Grant was pro-LQBTQ in a strongly religious country that disapproves of homosexuality, so it must have been poisoning.

However, many people with vaxx adverse effects also suddenly become ill and possibly die, when they had no prior health issues.

I consider it highly likely that Grant's sudden illness and death were the effects of poisoning. The main question is whether he was poisoned by Pfizer or Moderna COVID injections, or by a malicious actor in Qatar who deliberately put poison in his food or administered it in some other way.

While both scenarios fit with the known facts and the latter is certainly possible, I think the former is by far the most probable.

There are calls for an autopsy. I hope it will be done thoroughly and correctly, including the required tests to determine if the death was vaxx-related, and the results will be shared with the world for the benefit of others.


Grant Wahl: 48-year-old vaxxed American sports journalist collapses and dies at World Cup | The COVID Blog


Good Morning America segment:

Eric Wahl Segment:

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