3D Flat Earth Simulation - SUN,MOON

2 years ago

The movement of the SUN and MOON on a flat plane....
I believe today, that we are the ones turning under the lights.
The MOON is just a reflection of the GREAT LIGHT from the SUN.

I picture the WORLD inside a frozen egg-like blog with crystal hard snow
wrapping us from the ETERNAL LIGHT that surrounds it.
A small hole opening (the SUN) lets in a tiny beam of it into our frozen
blob. This beam melts the solids inside and liquifies it, the cold temps
freeze it instantaniously. This action causes a movement.

After a long time, the Sun has made a complete cut out circle around us and
lets us float freely in the water "ocean"- WE turn like a merry go round.

Thus, the LIGHT never moves, but WE do....very slowly everyday and night.

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