ROSU keeps harrasing Serbian civilians in Northern Kosovo

1 year ago

A former Serbian policeman was arrested at the Jarinje checkpoint

EULEX teams arrived at the barricades in Leposavic, set up as a sign of protest against the arrest of Serbs in Jarinje, the Kosovo Online reporter reports. The barricades were set up because Serbs from the north of Kosovo do not want to allow the arrested Dejan Pantić to be taken to Pristina.

🔍In addition to Leposavic, citizens also gathered in Severna Mitrovica, Rudar near Zvečani near the cross, as well as in nearby Srbovac.

🔍The number of people gathered is increasing, and sirens have been sounded in North Mitrovica and Zvečan.

Members of the Polish contingent of KFOR are located 150 meters from the place where the barricades were erected in Rudar, reports a journalist from Kosovo Online.

- Two jeeps are present and there are soldiers in them.

Kosovo Police" has blocked the Jarinje administrative crossing and is preventing the entry of vehicles and pedestrians into KiM

Around 7:00 p.m., citizens reported a shooting that lasted 15 minutes near Gazivoda, Štuoce village.
Two detonations/explosions reported in Zvečan

It's quiet at the barricades.

Part of the "civilians" are withdrawing, the guys who will be on duty will stay overnight, and an additional number of people are expected to arrive in the morning.

The border point for entry and exit is closed by the Kosovo police, crowds are forming.

The President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, said that Belgrade agreed to the request to ensure the deployment of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Serbian Army in Kosovo and Metohija, which will be sent to the KFOR commander.

Finally, Serbia refers to UN Resolution 1244, according to which it has the right to deploy up to 1,000 policemen and soldiers to Kosovo.

There are reports that ROSU has been harrassing Serbian civilians:

ROSA specialists stopped Davor Marković and his son Andrija from Zubin Potok for more than an hour on the Lučka Reka-Gazivoda road near Ribnjak.

We were returning from the village, when in the dark we saw ROSU police officers who stopped us and immediately kicked us out of the car. For no reason they threw us on the asphalt and Andrija hit his head. Then they put us in a canal next to the road which is full of mud and water. They kept us there for more than an hour - says Davor Marković.

According to him, while they were lying in the canal, a long shot was heard from the ROSU special forces armored vehicles towards the surrounding hills.

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