Judges 13: Why We Need Rules of Life and Work

2 years ago

📚Bible Study Notes on Judges 13

Central Thought:
Rules of life and work are guiding principles that direct us towards being more like Christ in our character. Making decisions based on principles over personal preferences sets us apart and positions us to impact the world for Christ.

🎧 My Bible study notes are distributed on my YouTube Channel and podcast "Doing Good Work", a smorgasbord of topics on Christian living, encouragement, motivation, leadership, health, Christian discipleship, bible study.

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- Telegram channel: https://t.me/equippedfortheday
- Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9-U-w_NRVan3BcywQNTJZQ
- anchor.fm/doinggoodwork
- https://open.spotify.com/show/515PPIz...

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👋 /// About Siree
Siree Sivapetchranat is a Certified Health Coach, Personal Trainer, and Fitness Nutrition Specialist, accredited and certified from the American Council on Exercise. She also serves as a life coach and spiritual mentor. Her wellness philosophy advocates for Whole - Person Wellness and she champions the three main pillars of wellness which are active living, nourishment, and rest. Her life motto is: “Love God, love people. Be a vessel that overflows God’s love and blessings.”

She is founder and managing director of the following:
- Fulfilled Purpose Coaching Company Limited
- Theristes Company Limited
- Bangkok Christian Discipleship Center (BCDC)

🇹🇭Siree lives in Bangkok, Thailand with her husband and three kids.

✨ More info about Siree and her work at : https://linktr.ee/coachsiree


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