The Week According To . . . Dr Niall McCrae

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The irrepressible Dr Niall McCrae is back in the hot seat, shooting from the lip while looking at some of the stories, articles and headlines that have caught our eye or made our blood boil in this week's news.
Topics in the crosshair this episode.....
- The pandemic that never was.
- Rod Stewart’s 11-year-old son rushed to hospital following suspected heart.
- Baby blood donor vaccine battle: Judge rules in favour of child placed under court’s guardianship for surgery.
- Keep Clapping? NHS shut down more services during Covid than almost every European country.
- Newly released government documents reveal mask mandate in schools was based on politics and not evidence.
- Londoners call for 'another lockdown' as streets rammed with Christmas shoppers.
- Shameless hypocrisy of the West over China lockdown protests.
- Ukrainian comedian is named Time magazine's 2022 person of the year.
- Women are getting angrier. Is anyone surprised?

Niall McCrae is an officer for ‘Covid coercion in the workplace’ for the Workers of England trade union, the only union standing up for workers' rights and freedoms in the UK during these troubled times.
From 2010 to 2021 he was a senior lecturer in mental health at King’s College London, and he continues to write on mental health matters.
He was also a senior researcher for David Kurten and Peter Whittle on the London Assembly.
His publications include several books including ‘Moralitis: a Cultural Virus’ (with Robert Oulds), ‘The Moon and Madness’, ‘Echoes from the Corridors’ (with Peter Nolan) and ‘The Year of the Bat’ (with MLR Smith).
He is a regular contributor to Unity News Network, Gateway Pundit, Lockdown Sceptics, The Salisbury Review and The Light.

Follow Niall on Gab @Dr_Niall_McCrae

Originally broadcast as a live video news review 10.12.22

Audio Podcast version available at and all major podcast directories.

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Links to stories discussed......
The pandemic that never was
Rod Stewart Son
Baby blood donor vaccine battle
Mask Mandate in Schools
Londoners call for lockdown
Hypocrisy of the West
Time Magazine
Women Are Getting Angrier

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