Dr Ryan Cole - no graphene or parasites in 100+ vials tested

2 years ago

Dr. Ryan Cole didn’t find graphene in the vials he tested but did find contaminants, and he was shocked at what happened when he tested the vials on Del Bigtrees’ blood.

He said that many of the reports by those making graphene/bot-claims are probably not done in a sterile environment, and thus pick up on a variety of things. The contaminants he found included metallic particles, and the manufacturing process being done quickly could be the cause of batches being different.

He also stated that some of the contaminants are coming from specific needles (they performed a comparison and discovered that when they used a metal needle, contaminant metal would appear in the results, but not when they did not use that needle), implying that there is another possible contaminant with the rapid manufacture of billions of needles.

He’s not saying they are harmless; you don’t want any of this in your body, and their quality control clearly needs a revamp; he’s disputing the graphene, nanotech, and strange creature claims—at least in the vials he tested (over 100).

I would love to see him also test all the vials from researchers all over the world, particularly those that do this for a living, and especially the ones with published papers such as:

The UK vials – because the World Council of Health (Tess Lawrie, etc) commissioned a UK laboratory for an independent analysis of the vial contents; where they actually used the analysis to file a case for “Corporate Manslaughter & Gross Criminal Manslaughter”:

Research by Prof. Dr. Pablo Campra shared on ResearchGate with a call for technical discussion by the scientific community (that was also found in the Pfizer servers ~ see Melissa McAtee testimony; as something they were concerned about)

The Argentina Labs:

And the Italian study that was published containing the Dark -Field Microscopic Analysis on the Blood of 1,006 mRNA-jabees:

After watching Ryan Cole’s video, I hope he’s right but I wonder if the different countries are receiving different vials, and that you can’t just blanket say “all Pfizer/Moderna/AstraZeneca” etc are clean of graphene/nanotech, etc.. unless you are looking at the same vial… that’s why laboratories from everywhere are important, but it most definitely is extremely important that researchers have a sterile environment, stainless steel needles, and recording the batch ids.

He said that PEG is a harmful molecule and injecting PEG into the body is not a good idea, and that they found inconsistent amounts in different batches, and those batches that have a lot more, could be more irritating to the body. Some have a lot, and some have very little.

They tested over 100 vials and didn’t find graphene oxide in any of them. He thinks most of what we are seeing, are likely to be cholesterol crystals, a cholesterol colisterine (sp?) spike, and Pfizer has a lot of salt and some sugars, Moderna has more sugar and a little less salt, and some of the little flakes are salt-flakes, salt-crystals, and sugar-crystals.

These vials have lipid content, PEG, salts, sugars, genetic material, and some lots had some contaminants.

He said the lipid and the mRNA are two things that can do harm, you don’t have to get off the beaten path, he said those are the two harmful things he found.

The lipid nanoparticle is hyper-inflammatory and can be toxic to our cells. When it was designed, it was only to be given once. And now they are given it two, three, four times, the accumulative toxicity of the nanoparticle itself is concerning.

Even more concerning is this gene that gets into your cells and continues to make the toxic spike proteins that have known, countless side-effects.

Of the alien-looking creature found by Dr. Franc Zalewski and also in some of Carrie Majed's videos, (https://pennybutler.com/vials-the-thing/) he said it’s something that lives on the bottom of a leaf, and would look scary under a microscope. He said you would probably find this if doing microscopy in a living room or non-laboratory setting.

He found no parasites in the vials either.

The scariest thing he found in the vials is the inconsistency of the previously mentioned, but especially the “fragmented-RNA”. He’s concerned about that the most because we have no idea what it will do, but the studies confirm that its a carcinogen.

Next they tested the blood of Del Bigtree with drops from the c19 injections, Each injection seemed to do something different.

1.) The cells went away, and pushed back into a big giant clump.
2.) With J&J, it looked like a bomb went off – all the cells had scattered, and still had clumping.
3.) With Pfizer, it also had immediate dispersion of cells and clumping. Installing changing the pH of the cell causing a massive outflow of fluid from the interior of the cell, causing cell-membranes to fold almost instantaneously; causing all the red cells to become non-functional. The body would have to have an inflammatory reaction to that because it would have to “gobble those cells up”

(If he had seen effect this in someone who had just came in, he would test them for chronic kidney disease.)

Watch Full Video:

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