Latest Headlines | Islamic State Brides Executed by Boko Haram Terrorists | #shorts #news

1 year ago

Latest Headlines | "33 Heartbreaking Stories: Islamic State Brides Executed by Boko Haram Terrorists" | #shorts #news

Thirty-three Islamic State brides have been killed by terror group Boko Haram in a revenge execution in Nigeria's Borno State. Boko Haram killed the partners of Islamist State terrorists as fighting escalated between the rivals. Boko Haram's commander Malam Aboubakar and 15 others were killed by Islamic State – West Africa Province (ISWAP) terrorists recently.

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#BokoHaram #ISWAP #ISBrides #TerrorGroup #RevengeExecution #Nigeria #BornoState #MalamAboubakar #IslamicState #WestAfricaProvince #eveningnews

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Related Queries:

1. Boko Haram Revenge Execution,
2. Islamic State Brides Killed,
3. Islamic State West Africa Province,
4. Terror Group Boko Haram,
5. Malam Aboubakar Killed,
6. Fighting Escalates between Rivals,
7. ISWAP Terrorists Killed

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