The Most Controversial Star Wars Debate…

1 year ago

so in star wars at this point we’ve seen so many different deaths of force users, whether it be maul being chopped in half, to Dooku being beheaded, Anakin’s fall to Obi-Wan, or later with Disney how they keep gutting one another and surviving. Rey doing it to Kylo, and Reva being stabbed twice in the gut once as a child by darth vader in the jedi temple and later as an adult by darth vader again, and surviving both times. With all of these deaths, the most controversial one of them all, especially after disney has made their projects, is in regards to Qui-Gon Jinn’s death. Qui-Gon was my favourite jedi, and it is no question that if he had survived, the fate of the galaxy would have literally changed. He would have been the father figure Anakin needed in order to battle his demons and not be seduced to the dark side by darth sidious.
Palpatine plucked each string so methodically over the teen and young adult years of Anakin’s life, that by the time it came to trusting the jedi council over him, Anakin lost faith in the Jedi and eventually turned to the dark side in order to save his wife. Believing the false promises of grandeur that palpatine had to offer.
Qui-Gon Jinn, while very powerful, wasn’t able to survive his death at the hands of darth maul. Now in separate videos I’ve gone over why qui gon lost to maul but in today’s video I want to discuss something much beyond…why couldn’t qui gon jinn have survived if we’ve seen all these other force users get stabbed in the stomach and continue to live?
My theory on this is a bit long, so here we go. When a dark side user gets stabbed such as Maul getting cut in half, or even Reva in the kenobi series, we know Dark Sider users feed off of their pain and anger, and what’s more painful than being stabbed or cut in half? So with this pain, they are able to feed off of it and regenerate their willingness to live, their anger keeps them going, keeps them strong. Maul wanted revenge on Kenobi, and as time passed he kept getting more and more insane, filled with rage, as he continued thinking about it. Anakin, who got chopped into a torso and burned severely beyond even being able to speak. It was once he felt this great amount of pain, did his sith yellow eyes burn brightly again from the blue they had just been as he fought Kenobi. This was his anger, pain, hatred all coming into play for what had just happened to him, and this in turn fuelled his ability to carry on.
At the end of return of the Jedi, Vader sacrificed himself to save his son, Luke Skywalker. He transitioned into the light side of the force and it was for this reason that he physically died, only to go on to live as a force ghost, forever. Vader kept himself alive in that suit for decades purely off of his own hatred and constant physical and emotional pain. This is what kept him going.
Reva surviving, makes absolutely no sense in either of the two scenarios she got stabbed because the first time she got stabbed in the torso by Anakin during order 66, her little youngling state would have not been able to survive such an attack, let alone her abilities in the force weren’t near any of the other jedi masters who died the same wounds that she lived through, twice. Then again as an adult. Rey stabbing Kylo then healing him, I mean, ok, sure, but still, he should have been dead from that same stab that Qui-Gon Jinn got.
Now, why did Qui-Gon Jinn die and no one else did? Plot Armour..I mean…because he felt it was the will of the force. Qui-Gon was a firm believer in not changing the will of the force, not changing what has already happened. He felt if he channelled his powers in the dark side to hold on to the physical realm, then things would be contorted to his will, bending the force to his mercy, rather than moving with the force. In the end, had he not died, he wouldn’t have taught Yoda how to become a force ghost, who then taught Obi-Wan. It was meant to be for things to go the way they did, and in the end, Anakin did bring balance to the force by wiping out all the Jedi until it was just Yoda and Luke, Vader and the Emperor. And in the end, this was all it took for the force to work in mysterious ways and for Luke to eventually be the catalyst Vader needed to defeat and overthrow the Emperor. Thus, fulfilling the chosen one prophecy.

Thank you for watching today's video. I hope you have a great day, and I'll see you in the next one! May the force be with you, ALWAYS!


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