Full Fact defends the MHRA over PMQ; media clear out the damaged goods (Hancock) - UK Column News

1 year ago

Sources: https://www.ukcolumn.org/video/uk-column-news-9th-december-2022
- British Medical Association: NHS backlog data analysis
- Mike Robinson analysis: The backlog was growing for years before Covid but the situation now is extremely dangerous—statistical graphics shown on screen—the main problem seems to be healthcare staff availability
- Andrew Bridgen at Prime Minister's Question Time
“Given that mRNA vaccines are not recommended for pregnant women or those who are breastfeeding, will the Prime Minister overturn the Big Pharma-funded MHRA's recent decision that these experimental vaccines are administered to children as young as six months of age?”
- Leicester Mercury: Bridgen asked to apologise over Covid vaccine claims
- Full Fact: Bridgen wrong to say Covid–19 mRNA vaccines aren't recommended while pregnant or breastfeeding
- Mike Robinson commentary: Full Fact was oddly silent about Bridgen's previous sentence about Covid vaccines having caused more adverse reactions than all other vaccines in history and offers neither proof nor disproof
- Patrick Henningsen commentary: Complete gaslighting by Big Pharma-funded Full Fact, whose job is the centralising of censorship
- Office for National Statistics: UK data on miscarriages and stillbirths (Freedom of Information reply)
- Mike Robinson commentary: National miscarriage statistics are not routinely collected and published, so how can anybody state categorically that Covid vaccines have had no effect on the level of miscarriages?
- Patrick Henningsen commentary: Isn't infant mortality one of the key measures used to assess a country's development level?
- Clip—Good Morning Britain: Matt Hancock interview becomes an unprecedented pile-in by the whole panel: "I thought at the time he was laughing [about Covid jab rollout], not crying"

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