They took away a baby from their mother because she wanted unvaccinated blood

1 year ago

Watch this and be aware that this can happen everywhere!

Baby W - "Our baby has just been medically kidnapped."

"Night of Thursday 8th Dec:
Sam was not allowed to hold Will all night.
She was not allowed to cuddle him.

She was also not allowed to sleep all night, as she was told that if she did any of this, she would be forcibly removed back to the ward, from the pre-op room, and would not see the baby before the operation. There were four guards in the room.

The traumatic way in which this situation has been treated does not make sense.

Baby Will was not allowed to be held by his mother all night.

Please send your love and prayers to him."

More here:

What happened before...

"The parents of a 4-month-old boy requiring heart surgery are in court in New Zealand fighting to be able to use blood from unvaccinated people.

After an initial hearing, the case is set for Dec 6 at the High Court in Auckland."

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