Mystery of the Masks - The Three Siren Generals - Pagan Demon Goddess

2 years ago

It was the prophet Enoch who wrote that the 'female types' of the evil spirits were called 'sirens'.
It is the voice of a siren that is her weapon.
the key is gaining the ability to discern whether the thoughts that are being projected into your mind are from 1. God's Holy Spirit or 2. An oracular evil spirit.
An oracular evil spirit gives a word of prophecy and can fool the person receiving it, as it strives to mimic the Holy Spirit of God.
Any word of prophecy must be tested
Jesus was approached by a prophetic voice in the desert, and it used scripture in order to tempt Him.
But Jesus had perfect discernment, and He gave the correct responses.
We must test all prophecies received:
Is it inspiring you to love a person, or judge them?
Is it prompting you to forgive a person, or get even and condemn them?
Is it instilling pride in you, or humility?
Is it tempting you to use God's prophecy for monetary gain?
Is it encouraging you to use others for personal benefit?
Is it enticing you to ignore the orphan and the widow, the sick, the poor, the naked and imprisoned.
Does it cause you to brag on your godly accomplishments, to blow a trumpet before you, thereby stealing your reward, robbing your treasure in heaven?
Does it whitewash you on the outside but give you an urge to hide all unconfessed sin that is multiplying like leaven on the inside?

Back to the Three Sirens. They are as follows:
Spirit of Wickedness (Book of Zechariah, vision of the woman)
Spirit of Witchcraft (Book of Zechariah, helper of Wickedness.
Spirit of Wantonness (Book of Zechariah, helper of Wickedness)

Each of these pagan demon-goddesses has worn a mask in every nation.
Wickedness has been called by many names. Please watch my film on Lilith-Ashtoreth for an indepth look at her.
Witchcraft has been called Heket, Hecate, Venus and Aphrodite, among others. Her form of Aphrodite and Venus has been portrayed as voluptuous, but she can appear horrid, as she was seen as having the head of a frog as Heket.
Wantonness has been called Hera, Hathor, Medusa. Her form is usually as a lamia, half snake, half woman.

The end of this film delves into the times of Enoch, who called these spirits 'sirens'.
please watch and share with your friends.
Thank you for viewing.

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