Daniel and Revelation . Sat.3rd Dec 2022. 6am. Brother E. Rainney

1 year ago

Daniel 2 Understanding bible prophecy through 1st 5 books of the bible,
Daniel's attitude was one of patience and love for his enemy, the Desire of ages . Not with outward show chapter 55. The character of Daniel, Nebuchadnezzar.. would make it in the kingdom. Cain went out from the presence of the Lord. Cain forsakes the assembly of the congregation, and he changes his worship habits.
when we leave God's principles of worship we will not be in God's presence. Sigh and cry and say God help me. Horns denote character Great controversy CHP 25
principles give rise to the character and this character gives rise to the influences they have on others and the principles were tried in the fire.
Matthew 22 34-36 the 2 principles love God with heart, soul, mind and love neighbor as self. or be governed by the little horn principle and have a form of godliness without God's principles. Dan 8 5 The he goat came from the west. notable horn. selfishness.
Jesus led no civil reforms though his day he was living in a wicked world.
The people of God actually to bring about the righteousness of God rather than purifying their character they will go to the government to establish righteousness by works. We need to allow God to refine the gold to allow God to pass us through the fire like the Hebrew boys, Isaiah 9 8-12 Head and tail, the ancient and honorable is the head prophet that teaches lies is the tail.
Nebuchadnezzar dream
Gold from 1st 5 books is found in the temple's most holy place . the silver is in the holy place the brass in the court the hinges in the door were made out of iron. the gold is our character to be refined.

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