Mystery of the Masks - Mammon, Spirit of Freemasonry and False Prophecy

1 year ago

Mammon is one of the top ten pagan demon-gods mentioned in the Holy Bible.

This high-ranking demon was called different names by various peoples, tribes and nations.

The best way to describe him is that he is the SPIRIT OF LUST.
Yet he is also an oracular demon, meaning that he gives prophecy to individuals.

His most well known prophet of ancient times was the female
Oracle of Delphi, which means, of course, that he is also known
as the pagan god, Apollo.

In the Book of Tobit, this fiendish Watcher lusted after a virtuous woman and killed each of her suitors. But the archangel Raphael set about finding Sara a holy spouse and then helping her chosen holy suitor implement a way of literally smoking the demon out of her family's abode.
Raphael took the demon and had him bound in the desert.
Apparently, this is where he became known as Horus, and yes, it is his eye that is featured on the American Dollar Bill.
The Jewish people called him Ashmeday, in latin, Asmodeus.

What God has taught me is that this demon will possess and guide the final False Prophet who will be a friend to the Son of Perdition, the final AntiChrist that will institute the Mark of the Beast.

Which demon will possess the AntiChrist? Watch my film about the Baal-Moloch, the demon with many masks and false legends of his 'dying and rising'. Yes, satan tried to set up his own infernal son and the dying and rising lord of Mesopotamia, even before Jesus Christ was born!

The influence of this demon can be seen in religious leaders who accumulate wealth and live in luxury.

The Word says you cannot serve God and Mammon.
The love of money is the root of all evil.

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