Japanese Proverbs 日本のことわざ

1 year ago

Japanese Proverbs 日本のことわざ

井の中の蛙大海を知らず (i no naka no kawazu taikai wo shirazu) English Translation: “A frog in a well knows nothing of the sea.”
水に流す (mizu ni nagasu) English Translation: “The water flows.”

口は災いの元 (kuchi wa wazawai no moto) English translation: “The mouth is the source of disaster.”

自業自得 (jigoujitoku) English Translation: “Self-work, self-profit.”

知らぬが仏 (shiranu ga hotoke) English Translation: “Not knowing is Buddha” or “ignorance is bliss”

出る杭は打たれる (derukui wa utareru) English Translation: “The nail that sticks out is struck.”

花より団子 (hana yori dango) English Translation: “Dumplings over flowers” or “substance over style”

案ずるより産むが易し (anzuru yori umu ga yasushi) English Translation: “It’s easier to give birth than to think about it.”

花鳥風月 (kachou fuugetsu) English Translation: “The beauties of nature.”

二兎を追う者は一兎をも得ず。(nito wo oumono wa itto wo mo ezu.) English translation: “Those who chase two hares won’t even catch one.”

見ぬが花 (minu ga hana) English translation: “Not seeing is a flower,” “Reality is never as good as your imagination”

猫に小判 (neko ni koban) English translation: “Gold coins to a cat.”**

酒は本心を表す (sake wa honshin wo arawasu) English Translation: “Sake shows true feelings.”

以心伝心 (ishindenshin) English Translation: “Heart to heart.”

磯 の アワビ (iso no awabi) English Translation: “An abalone on the shore” or “unrequited love”

恋とせきとは隠されぬ。(koi to seki to wa kakusarenu) English Translation: “Love and a cough cannot be hidden.”

惚れた病に薬なし (horeta yamai ni kusuri nashi) English Translation: “There’s no medicine for falling in love.”

鯛も一人はうまからず (taimo hitori wa umakarazu) English Translation: “Even a sea bream loses its flavor when eaten alone.”

八方美人 (happou bijin) English Translation: “Everybody’s friend.”

継続は力なり。 (keizoku wa chikara nari) English Translation: “Continuing on is power,” or “don’t give up.”

七転び八起き (nana korobi ya oki) English Translation: “Fall seven times, get up eight.”

猿も木から落ちる (saru mo ki kara ochiru) English Translation: “Even monkeys fall from trees.”

*明日は明日の風が吹く (ashita wa ashita no kaze ga fuku*) English translations: “Tomorrow’s winds will blow tomorrow.”

三日坊主 (mikka bouzu) English Translation: “A monk for 3 days.”

石の上にも三年 (ishi no ue nimo san’nen) English Translation: “3 years on a stone.”

雨降って地固まる (ame futte chikatamaru) English Translation: “When it rains, earth hardens” or “Adversity builds character”

四面楚歌 (shimensoka) English Translation: “Surrounded by enemies.”

あほに取り合うばか (aho ni toriau naka) English Translation: “Only a fool deals with a fool.”

相手のない喧嘩はできない (aite no nai kenka wa dekinai) English Translation: “You can’t fight without an opponent.”

悪戦苦闘 (akusenkutou) English Translation: “An uphill battle.”

猪突猛進 (chototsumoushin) English Translation: “Charge headlong.”

因果応報 (inga ouhou) English Translation: “Bad causes, bad result”, “karma” or “what goes around comes around”

負けるが勝ち (makeru ga kachi) English Translation: “To lose is to win.”

弱肉強食 (jakuniku kyoushoku) English Translation: “The weak are meat” or “survival of the fittest”

極悪非道 (gokuaku hidou) English Translation: “Villany” or “diabolical”

一刀両断 (ittouryoudan) English Translation: “One stroke, two halves.”

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