The Dangers Of Education (“Take your children out of school!”)

1 year ago

Mikki Willis interviews Dr. Mark McDonald on schools, CRT, gender and where we're headed next.

"We would be better off if all Americans pulled their kids out of the government schools and either did home schooling or built their own schools in their local communities. That would cause the corrupt, rotten, termite-infested structure to finally collapse on its own weight and then we could rebuild, on a local level, from the ground up. I can hardly believe I am saying that now because just two or three years ago I would have thought that is extreme, ridiculous, and unnecessary. I believe not only is it possible, it actually requisite now for Americans to do that."

-- Dr. Mark McDonald

Mikki Willis writes:

Dr. Mark McDonald has a front row seat to the harm being done by all the new social ideologies that are rapidly infiltrating our educational curriculums. As a respected psychiatrist who has been working closely with children and adults in California, he pulls no punches when describing the disturbing decline in his patients ability to navigate reality and relationships. Of the 40 plus interviews I’ve conducted this year alone, this one has helped me to better navigate this crazy moment in history.

Please share this interview with anyone who might benefit from his rare wisdom. Every parent needs to see this!


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