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Liz Yore: Mexican Cartels Made Over $13 Billion This Year Trafficking With The Help Of The Catholic Church

2 years ago

Liz Yore: Mexican Cartels Made Over $13 Billion This Year Trafficking With The Help Of The Catholic Church


  • 0/2000
  • This is what happens when an Election Thief is not HUNG for treason.

  • @benbergquom please check out the massive facility in Pecos, Texas! Nobody has that I’ve seen. Has around 20 full sized buses every night around 7:00 - 8:00 pm. It’s probably the Grand Central Station of all the insurgent camps. It’s tripled in size over the last 12 months.

  • Human Trafficking (sexual abuse of children) brought to you by the Biden Regime, DEMOCRATS, WOKE Radical Grifting NGO's, COMMUNIST Pope Francis, and others who want to DESTROY our USA!

  • I highly suspect that Catholic Charities are responsible for bringing in Ilhan Omar....

  • So sad to see America being destroyed from within by Biden and his disgusting administration and the church. 😡

  • This is a great shame and it must stop - Catholic Church needs to be help accountable for what it has done with these children and their families!

  • When even the Churches fail to truly vet the immigrants they are handling, noone can doubt this Nation is on its last legs. Just as well take the kids out back and sacrifice them to Satan. Saves the bus fare and years of miserable slavery.

  • Until God puts back our rightful President back and senate and house! we have a fraudulent government now!

  • This is close to where I grew up. Very sad

  • The Vatican, Roman Catholic Church wants the same thing globalist desire. Globalists want a one world government. The Vatican wants a single one world common Roman Catholic Church Conversion of all protestants to Roman Catholics. Including all of MAGA.

  • Pray the Demons and Liars Down in Jesus's mighty mighty name Amen 🙏

  • Humanity is UNDER ATTACK!! In case you haven't noticed, justice throughout the world, has been abandoned. Law Enforcement, has one of the worst ever criminal's personal laptop, bursting with verified, irrefutable evidence of everything from illegal drug use, to child sex trafficking! Overwhelming evidence of a USA Senator, Vice President, and a sitting President, committing "Treason", along with countless other serious federal crimes. Overwhelming evidence of the coverup of this evidence, by 51 ex intelligence agents, current FBI Director, and several other FBI personal, several other intelligence agencies, main stream media is nothing more than a tool used for coverups, collusion, treason, mis/disinformation, propaganda, election tampering etc. etc. etc! They're all on the same page, covering each other's ass, while the scam to rape taxpayers of everything they own, and most of that money gets run through the lobbyist driven mill, and comes back to windup in the pockets four "elected officials"! For most of them, that scheme takes priority over anything The American People are concerned about! Think about it, these people spend hundreds of millions of dollars on political campaigns, fighting it out to get a 4 year long job, that pays $150k/year!! Somehow,they leave office after a couple terms with net worths in the 40,50,60 million dollars! And they have the nerve to refer to that as "serving their country"! There is no such thing as justice anymore.2anywhere in the world anymore."The people" are on their own now! Humanity s facing the biggest threat in history! The Geneva Convention is no longer! You, are on your own, because there is no one left to protect you! If The People of the world don't rise up, bear arms, and demand an end to this insanity! Our enemy has no limit to their resources, or the the evil they're capable! of!

  • 'We won't be paying for this for decades.' It's not going to take that long to finish replacing the United States with their communist globalist dictatorship. Any of us still alive will be slaves owning nothing while a jackboot stomps on our faces - forever.

  • It's been the agenda, for decades . . . The overwhelming of OUR system- The bankrupting of OUR Treasury- The breaking of OUR spirit- The destruction of OUR country through the total of their various attacks . . . CORRECTING the STOLEN 2020 election MUST happen asap- Likewise, the Mid Terms in Arizona- Georgia was stolen, Nevada too . . . Without Electoral Integrity, they win- TERM LIMITS too, would be a good idea . . .

  • How does one know how much the cartel’s make?