Live Interview with a Former 3rd Generation Seventh Day Adventist - Myles Ketelsen

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Show at 9:30 pm Eastern Standard Time (same as New York)

My Special Guest:

Myles Ketelsen's channel: Answering Adventism

A former 3rd Generation Seventh Day Adventist discussing why he left the SDA church and his thoughts about it.

Some Show notes:

Seventh Day Adventists get the Day of Atonement Wrong - It is not October 22 1844

Blasphemous claims of Ellen White

Ellen White could not figure out how to keep Sabbath

Jesus defiles the heavenly sanctuary

The first 20 minutes of this video, I explain what the early protestants taught about Daniel 8 and why Adventists get it wrong

Baptizing into Ellen White

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Some Adventist scholars have claimed that when Jesus entered "within the veil," He entered within the first veil which separated the outer court from the tabernacle. They say that there is a "second veil" (Heb. 9:3) in heaven which separates the two heavenly apartments just as there was a veil separating the two earthly apartments. Their theory of a "second veil" in the heavenly sanctuary does not even stand up to the test of their own prophet who said:

"By the rending of the veil of the temple, God said, I can no longer reveal my presence in the most holy place. A new and living Way, before which there hangs no veil, is offered to all."
Even Ellen White, in an odd statement which seemingly contradicts what she wrote in the Great Controversy, admits there is no "second veil" in heaven! Jesus Christ is the "veil" in Heaven!

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