How to walk in the Spirit while on Vacation | RIOT Podcast Ep 99 | Christian Discipleship Podcast

1 year ago

How to walk in the Spirit while on vacation is the topic that will be discussed today on RIOT Podcast, a Christian Discipleship Podcast.

In the last episode, we addressed the negative habits that drain our energy and the actions needed to change them. Today, we are going to discuss how to be Spirit-Filled while on vacation.

1. You can yield your mind to His control, asking Him to expose the lies of the enemy and replace them with His truth. You can invite Him to be free to place His thoughts in your mind as you fill it up with the truth of His word.

2. You can yield your tongue to His control so that your speech will build up and not tear down.

3. You can yield your emotions to His control so that you will weep over the things He weeps over, and rejoice over the things He rejoices over.

4. You can yield your will to His control so that you will make decisions that would glorify God, trusting that He is at work both to will and do what is pleasing to Him. That means He can and will empower you to make wise choices.

5. You can yield your body to His control, both in the maintenance of your body as the temple of the Holy Spirit and in the ministry of your body, using your energy to serve God.

6. You can yield your personality to His control letting Him use you to be His special agent of love.

7. You can yield your strengths and weaknesses to His control, trusting Him to use your strengths for good and letting His strength be perfected in your weaknesses.

8. You can yield your finances to His control, seeing yourself as a steward of His resources.

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