DOOM METAL NEW RELEASES - November/December 2022

2 years ago

Welcome to "Doom Metal Week" here at the Mighty Decibel. All week we'll be focused on all things doom, including naming our fave doom releases of 2022.

This episode we spotlight new and upcoming releases from November and December 2022 in doom metal/rock, including stoner of course.

We're all doomed!

(0:00) "Dead Void"
EYE OF DOOM - The Sapient
The Sapient | Eye of Doom (

(6:13) "The Hunt"
MOURN THE LIGHT - Stare Into The Face of Death
Stare Into the Face of Death | Mourn the Light (

(12:53) "Je Suis Mort Depius Bien Longtemps"
BARABBAS - La Mort Appelle Tous Les Vivants
Je Suis Mort Depuis Bien Longtemps | BARABBAS | Sleeping Church records (

(21:13) "Sweet Evil Sun"
CANDLEMASS - Sweet Evil Sun
Sweet Evil Sun | CANDLEMASS (

(17:26) "La Mirada de La Muerte"
SATANICOS MAIHAUNOS - La Mirada de La Muerte
La Mirada de La Muerte | Satanicos Marihuanos | Satánicos Marihuanos (

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