5.11a Melki-tzedek Priesthood Pt 4 Intro [10 slides]

2 years ago

There’s a big difference between worshipping our (E) Elohim and Creator, and the worship given to the (e) elohim linked to paganism. Just in case you thought that Terah (Abram’s father) was a worshipper of pagan elohim, then you’ll want to see what the Torah has to say about that. However, there is much more to address before that question can be answered. But how shall this question be answered? Is the internet the place to shop for the truth on this topic? If not, why not? What is the popular information on the internet about Terah and who he worshipped? And if anyone once “thought this” or “taught this” … should it not be corrected to align with Torah truth? Well, that’s what we think at Covenant Calendar Club. We trust this short introduction will prepare you for the full presentation in Part 4. All you have to do is, “Come and See.” Shalom!

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