Silent Vaccine induced Myocarditis - confirmed by biopsy

2 years ago


Paper from Germany looking at a heart biopsy case series demonstrating that 93% of the cases had myocardial inflammation.

Here, we present a comprehensive histopathological analysis of EMBs from 15 patients with reduced ejection fraction (LVEF = 30 (14 39)%) and the clinical suspicion of myocarditis following vaccination...


Although a causal relationship between vaccination and the occurrence of myocardial inflammation cannot be established based on the findings, the cardiac detection of spike protein, the CD4+ T-cell-dominated inflammation and the close temporal relationship argue for a vaccine-triggered autoimmune reaction.

Baumeier, Christian, et al. "Intramyocardial Inflammation after COVID-19 Vaccination: An Endomyocardial Biopsy-Proven Case Series." International Journal of Molecular Sciences 23.13 (2022): 6940.

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