Biden crimes ignored / coup d’état towards Trump continues🤬⚠️🇺🇸

1 year ago

So there are approximately 35,000 employees at the FBI.and 115,000 at the DOJ🤔 150,000 employees and only 12 WHISTLEBLOWERS have come forward exposing the UTTER CORRUPTION of their upper echelon PARTISAN LEFTIST HACK BOSSES? That’s only 0.008% upholding their oath to uphold, protect and defend our Constitution? AND YOU DONT BELIEVE THESE 2 INSTITUTIONS ARE UTTERLY CORRUPT? And TOTALLY UNREDEEMABLE? ⚠️🤦🏻‍♂️⚠️🇺🇸
In order to be a REPUBLIC by definition WE THE PEOPLE decide who we chose to represent us‼️ Not these Fed law enforcement or Intel agency HACKS‼️🤬
Now you wonder why President Donald J Trump is a threat to them all?! Not just to the corrupt democrat party, intel and law enforcement agencies. But to a majority of elected republican Hacks too‼️ Trump is not beholden to them for ANYTHING! They can’t pull his strings or hold anything over his head to make him bend and submit to their corrupt will‼️ President Trump’s strings were controlled by WE THE PEOPLE 🇺🇸 And President Trump was glad to allow us to be his puppet master. Because he chose to represent US‼️ If these Treasonous actors and utterly corrupt HACKS are not removed from these positions. We WILL NEVER have The American way as designed by our Founders! TOTALITARIANISM IS PRESENT IN OUR FACES‼️ And WE must beat it down and dismantle at all cost‼️ Only of course if You want to RESTORE Freedom, Liberty and our God Given Rights back to We The People⚠️🇺🇸

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