Shadow Banned/Censored No More

2 years ago

Hello my name is Bruce Goldwell I am an author, father, grandfather, great grandfather and Vietnam veteran. I am also a victim of Twitter's censorship and Shadow banning as well as having lost my accounts on Facebook and tiktok.

I support the Great Awakening. I hope to develop new friendships and have new fans for my law of Attraction books as well as my teen fantasy adventure book series.

Two video streams that I suggest people follow here on are and we know and situation update. SG Anon as well as other superconductors offer great information about what is going on in America and worldwide toward restoring freedom not only here in America but throughout the world.

Thanks for taking the time to watch my video and I invite you to visit my book page

God bless America and Patriots around the world and God bless the white hats.

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