Ayahuasca and the Day of the Dead with Mama Celia

2 years ago

Mama Celia is an anomaly. Adopted by her grandparents as a small child, Mama Celia remained uncontacted until the age of 17, when she saw a town for the first time, and began learning Spanish. She spent her childhood in the deep jungle, in the lagoons, caverns, and along the rivers. She learned the ways of her ancestors from her grandparents and great grandparents. She knows every plant in the jungle, every spirit, and can even call the birds and monkeys with a shell. Ayahuasca has been in her blood since before she was born, She is truly a marvel.

I have worked with Mama Celia for years, and she is part of our medicine retreats, but this night was different. It was the Day of the Dead. During Incan times, the custom was to brng gifts and food to the tombs of loved ones, place them around the bodies. and have a nice meal with our decceased. The presence of the deceased is represented today with bread dolls called guagua.

Ayahuasca means in Kichwa "the vine of the souls,' or "the vine of the dead." It is believed to act as a sort of interdimensional elevator, transporting the person that drinks to the spirit world.

Mama Celia lost a daughter, and I my mother, in the last few years, so there was a special focus on the memory of these departed loved ones.

During the ceremony, and the following morning, Mama Celia really opened up, talking at length and in detail about her work as a shamana, a healer, the plants, and the reasons behind her rituals. Truly a remarkable experience, it is a pleasure and honor to present to you all this short vdeo that we made to document the experience. Aho!

Chapters: 00:00-6:30 Short interview with Mama Celia, 6:39-9:00 Mama's shamanic tools, 9:01-13:23 Mama opens ceremony, 13:24-16:52 Mama talks and sings in the morning, 16:53 Enrica and I talk about our experience.

To join our Hermetic Magick and plant medicine Syncretic Spiritual System retreats email: illumignosis111@gmail.com

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Icaros from the video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yCrcJZ0pL48&t=572s

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#shamana #shaman #ayahuasca #healer #healing #indigenous #ayahuascaretreat #plantmedicine #ecuador #sanpedro #medicinewoman #spirituality #psychedelicmedicine #lifeafterdeath #kichwa

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