Historian Bill Federer | This is Why America is Great | Patriot Radio with Matt Shea

2 years ago

Historian Bill Federer | This is Why America is Great

Links from this episode:

Alex's Interview with leaders from "3rd Covenant/New Ten Commandments":


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Broadcast across ACN (American Christian Network)
Tuesday & Thursday 4-5 p.m. LIVE
Tuesday & Thursday 9-10 p.m. (Replay)
Saturday 6-7 p.m. (Replay)
106.5 FM Spokane/Coeur d'Alene (KSPO)
106.1 FM Moses Lake/Soap Lake/ Ephrata (KTBI)
101.3 FM Tri-Cities/Walla/Walla/NE Oregon (KGDN)
97.7 FM Spokane/Coeur d'Alen (KFIO)
96.1 FM Yakima/Lower Valley (KYAK)
93.9 FM Central Washington (KTAC)
1050 AM Spokane/Coeur d'Alene/Pullman/North Idaho/Palouse (KFIO)
810 AM Wenatchee/Moses Lake (KTBI)
930 AM Yakima/Ellensburg (KYAK)

LBS (Liberty Broadcasting System)
Saturday 3-5 p.m. (Replay)
Sunday 12-1 p.m. (Replay)
630 AM Spokane/Couer d'Alene (KTW)
96.5 FM Spokane/Coeur d'Alene (KTW)

Podcast: https://mattshea.podbean.com
Streaming live on the internet: https://www.acn.cc/ACN%20Listening%20Page.htm

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