1 year ago

Pedophile Justin Trudeau Castro is overdue in Canada for his appointment with the judiciary. The anti-Russia government of pedophile Justin Trudeau Castro is now the dysfunctional laughing stock of the entire world.

It’s only a matter of time before the hypocritical mass murderer is hanged via vaccine Trudeau Castro. The original, of course, is long dead, and the people who manipulate his young avatar will be hanged, Canadian intelligence sources promise. Those people won’t be able to escape to Israel, either.

- Benjamin Fulford December 5, 2022

“Mass Immigration = Genocide” Banner Drop in Denmark

Danish Nest 2 conducted a banner drop from a highway bridge near the town of Farum yesterday.

A GROUP OF ACTIVISTS from Denmark’s Nest 2 carried out a spectacular banner drop from a highway bridge near the town of Farum on 9 July.

The message on the banner, “Mass Immigration = Genocide”, was read by hundreds of commuters on the busy highway. Behind the banner, green smoke from two smoke grenades filled the air while the freedom flags waved in the wind.

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Source: Nordic Resistance Movement


“The Great Replacement” Means the Extermination of the White Race Through Mass Immigration

THE PHRASE “Great Replacement” — in the news following its use by New Zealand mosque shooter Brenton Tarrant, who was far from the first to use the phrase — means exactly that: the extermination of the White race in its historic homelands through mass Third World immigration, a process which left to run its course, will see Whites plummet to minority in most western European states, North America, Australia and New Zealand within the next 30 or 40 years — and then be utterly smothered to extinction within a few decades after that.

Although liberal media outlets are denying that this is reality — because they are part of the grand plan to make this extermination process possible — all the facts show clearly that Whites are being replaced in all their homelands, and only the outright liars of the controlled media could dare to claim otherwise.

In the United States of America, for example, according to official US Census Bureau predictions from March 2018, the US is set to become majority non-White by 2045 — or in just 27 years’ time.


During that year, the US Census Bureau said, “whites” will comprise 49.7 percent of the population in contrast to 24.6 percent for Hispanics, 13.1 percent for Blacks, 7.9 percent for Asians, and 3.8 percent for multiracial population.

Because non-Whites as a group are younger than Whites, the minority White tipping point comes earlier for younger age groups. The census projections indicate that, for youth under 18 — the post-millennial population — non-Whites will outnumber Whites in 2020 — less than two years away.

For those age 18-29 — members of the younger labor force and voting age populations — the tipping point will occur in 2027.

By 2060, the census projects Whites will comprise only 36 percent of the under age 18 population, with Hispanics accounting for 32 percent.

This prediction uses the infamously inaccurate federal definition of “white,” (which is “a person having origins in any of the original peoples of Europe, the Middle East, or North Africa”) — so the actual number of Whites is sure to be even less than the official statistics.

In Western Europe, much the same scenario is unfolding. In Britain, for example, the number of non-White pupils in UK primary schools as of 2012 was 27.1 percent of the total in primary schools, and 23.4 percent in secondary schools. At that rate of reproduction, non-Whites will be the majority of the population under the age of 21 in the UK by 2030 — only 10 years away.

According to official statistics released by the UK government’s Department of Education, White British children have been effectively ethnically cleansed from most schools in greater London, Birmingham, Manchester, and parts of South Yorkshire and East Lancashire, with no less than 1,755 institutions — or one out of nine schools across the country — now having majority “non-English speaking pupils.”

Overall, given the mass non-White immigration into Britain underway since the 1960s, has led to the result that White British people will become an absolute minority in their homeland by 2066 — at the very latest, and likely sooner.

As reported by Professor David Coleman, figures from the Office of National Statistics (ONS) show that “at current immigration levels” (that was written in 2010), the proportion of the White British-born population will fall…



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